Several hitch-hikers kidnapped – ransom demanded
“When the victim has been kidnapped the kidnappers then demand ransom money which must then be paid in the victim’s bank account.”

Hitch-hikers are being targeted, kidnapped and ransoms demanded from relatives of the targets, police said this week.
Police spokesperson Captain Stephen Thakeng the Free State Organized Crime and Crime Intelligence were following every lead to trace these kidnappers.
Thakeng said several incidents of kidnapping cases were registered throughout Lejweleputswa District police stations, where hikers are given lifts and kidnapped along the way.
“These kidnappers are usually three African males speaking Zulu and Sotho.”
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He said when the victim has been kidnapped the kidnappers would then demand ransom money which then must be paid in the victim’s bank account.
Hikers are sternly warned to avoid the following hiking spots:
Joel mine adjacent to Beatrix mine
Allanridge hiking spot in R30 National road
Jazz Corner Odendaalsrus
Harmony Mine Saaiplaas Virginia
Mannys in Welkom towards Bloemfontein road.
Kidnapping cases have risen according to the latest quarterly statistics released by Police Minister Bheki Cele in February.
Over 2600 kidnapping cases were opened between October and December 2021.
Cele said they had committed to improve their state of policing, through specialized policing and refocusing efforts and expertise in taking down organized crime syndicates.
“Over and above the CIT and kidnapping specialized units, the SAPS has also established specialized units to deal with organized crimes in KZN, Eastern Cape, and Gauteng.”
Cele also announced that a national extortion team would be established and rolled out to all nine provinces.
He said that it would focus on extortion at economic, construction sites, and business premises.
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“We are also decisively dealing with kidnapping syndicates, through specialized teams, especially in Gauteng where this crime is most prevalent,” said Cele.
He said in addition to the specialized units it was also encouraging that the Western Cape and Gauteng provinces boast fully functional murder and robbery units.
“Organized crime Investigation units are also on board in tackling murder and robberies, as well as taxi violence in KwaZulu Natal and the Eastern Cape.”
He added that an Illicit mining task team was established in Free State, North West, and Gauteng.