SANDF plans to lay off 3 000 members
The shedding of members is due to the consistent budget cuts, with R49 billion going to employee compensation.

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) plans to lay off over 3 000 members to maintain its continually reduced budget.
The SANDF budget is continually reducing and a large R49 billion of their budget goes to employee compensation.
This was revealed by Defence and Military Veterans Minister Thandi Modise in her written answers to EFF’s Washington Tseko Isaac Mafanya.
She explained that due to the reduced budget allocation, it was concluded that the Compensation of Employee (COE) allocation will be further reduced for the next three years.
“The Department of Defence was forced to implement HR cost-savings measures/interventions to reduce HR cost pressures.”
Minister Thandi Modise
The Department of Defence will keep its personnel to 73 000 members over the current three-year Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).

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“The intent of the planned HR interventions is to reach equilibrium between the Compensation of Employee allocation received and required personnel to maintain an effective defence capability.”
defenceWEB reports that some members will leave through the Mobility Exit Mechanism (MEM). The National Treasury has allocated R1 billion to fund this during the 2022/2023 financial year and R800 million for the 2023/2024 financial year.
“This will translate in the planned exit of approximately 3 048 uniformed members through MEM over the indicated financial years.”
Minister Thandi Modise
998 of the SA Army will be laid off through MEMs across its formations and directorates. The SA Air Force (SAAF) will shed 218 personnel. The South African Navy is going to trim 159 members and the South African Military Health Services (SAMHS) will be 156 members shorter.
Other ways of reducing the Department’s costs including reducing the Reserve Force from 2.6 million to 1.9 million and freezing all normal vacant positions for longer than five years.
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“Even though the SANDF remains resolute in assuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic, supporting the people and executing missions in support of the national interest, the continual decrease in the COE allocation negatively impacts the capability of the SANDF to deliver on its domestic, regional and continental responsibilities,” said Modise.