Supreme Court invites High Court to end-of-year function following Oscar appeal turnover
(In Other News) – In a gesture widely regarded as team-building initiative, the Supreme Court of Appeal has issued a formal invite to the High Court to join them for “drinks and snacks” at their end-of-year function in Bloemfontein.

[Kindly note this article is satire and not based on fact]
Justice Eric Leach of the Supreme Court of Appeal denied the invitation had anything to do with bragging rights or showing anyone how to apply the law.
“It’s a night for mingling and networking. If they [the High Court judges] learn a little something about the judicial process, all the better.”
Asked whether throwing judges together in a social environment where alcohol will be served could make for a tense atmosphere, Leach said he wasn’t too worried.
“It’s an after hours event so no one will be judging anyone,” he said.
A glitzy, red carpet affair guests are expected to arrive by helicopter and private jets from all over the world.
High Court judges will be transported to the event via bus from Pretoria.