‘Masked Singer SA’: Khutso Theledi unmasked as ‘Cheetah’
Khutso Theledi was unmasked as Cheetah on the latest episode of ‘Masked Singer South Africa’. Take a look…

Radio personality Khutso Theledi was unmasked as Cheetah on the latest episode of Masked Singer South Africa, which aired on S3 (formerly SABC 3), on Saturday 20 April.
South African media personality Somizi Mhlongo has cracked the case yet again! On the latest episode of Masked Singer South Africa, Somizi was the only detective to guess the correct identity of Cheetah. Cheeky Cheetah was unmasked as Metro FM radio host Khutso Theledi.
At the beginning of the episode, Ice Cream and Cheetah were first on stage followed by Blue Crane and Gold. The detectives – J’Something, Somizi, Sithelo Shozi and Skhumba Hlophe were joined by Jason Goliath. Golitah was Elephant on the previous season.
Somizi gathered that Cheetah was undoubtedly a triple threat – a singer, dancer, and actress. His correct guess came from the clues he picked up from Cheetah’s body language and her clue that she speaks Italian. Meanwhile, Sithelo cottoned on to Cheetah being protected by her siblings, and Skhumba reckoned she was a breadwinner. However, J-Something was confused about why killer red heels were popping up in the clue video.
After Cheetah’s “purrfect” performance of Rihanna’s What’s My Name, Skhumba’s wild guess was that this breadwinner and role model might be double-platinum singer-songwriter Zonke, but J’Something disagreed respectfully.
Cheetah’s obscure clue package baffled the episode’s squad of celebrity bloodhounds. While dancing with the quirky “Masked Singer Men and Women in Black”, Cheetah revealed that I’m Every Woman had been her favourite tune for many reasons. Furthermore, she shared that her Cheetah coalition protected her as a cub, which made up for her daddy missing out, and she became a consistent high performer in a high-stakes world. G
one are the days of others trying to define her because this Cheetah is on a mission to show other little girls that they could be whatever matched their dreams.
From these revelations, Somizi was more interested in Cheetah’s “forwardness” and physical movement than her voice, resulting in a toss-up between Pearl Thusi, Khutso Theledi, Jo-Ann Reyneke and Nomzamo Mbatha.
Before Cheetah lifted her weaved mane, guest detective Jason changed his mind to Nomzamo Mbatha, but the others all stuck with their original names.
“It’s something else. You feel that you’ve been swallowed, but at the same time, you’re filled with excitement, happiness and joy. I’ll do it again,” said Khutso.
This comes after comedian Celeste Ntuli was unmasked as Tortoise on the previous episode of Masked Singer South Africa.