Meghan Markle cradled her baby bump and Twitter lost its mind
The Duchess of Sussex made a surprise appearance at the British Fashion Awards this week.

Markle, 37, wowed the audience when she showed up to present an award to her wedding-gown designer, Givenchy, wearing a show-stopping one-shoulder black velvet gown by the same designer. Later that evening, she posed for photos while cradling her baby bump.
While some would argue that the gesture is ‘motherly,’ others labelled her as an attention-seeking wannabe who needs to get with the times.
Twitter reacted. Harshly
Jason Ashby said on the social media platform that “no pregnant woman poses for photos like this,” and added that Markle is “such an actress,” while Chelsea Fordham remarked that the “whole bloody world” knows Markle is pregnant, there’s no need for her to show it off.
Ashby also shared an older photo of a pregnant Duchess of Cambridge. He wrote in the caption that Meghan “should learn from Kate on how to pose regally when pregnant. Both hands discreetly under the bump, not cradling like Demi Moore.”
Also read: Meghan Markle shows off baby bump in Fiji [pictures]
A user known only as Lolita snidely remarked that “Meghan Markle is holding on to that bump like someone’s about to snatch it.”
Unfortunately, netizens will always find something to complain about. Back in February when Twitter reacted to Khloe Kardashian cradling her baby bump, she didn’t hold back.
Khloe said she chose to cradle her belly because it is hers, and added that she had been waiting for “this very short moment for years.” She went on:
“I have only months to enjoy this phase in my life, so I will touch my bump and love my bump as often as I choose.”
Research favours the cradlers
According to a study tracking fetal behavioural responses to maternal voice and touch, cradling a baby bump is actually good for baby’s development. The lead researcher, Viola Marx, wrote:
“In summary, the results from this study suggest that fetuses selectively respond to external stimulation earlier than previously reported, fetuses actively regulated their behaviours as a response to the external stimulation, and that fetal maturation affected the emergence of these differential responses to the environment.”
Read also: Meghan Markle and Michelle Obama met in secret to discuss their shared causes
In the supposed era of Body Positivity, there seems to be people who have an issue with Meghan cradling her baby bump. All of the people criticizing Meghan Markle for cradling her bump need to get a LIFE! It’s her body, it is her baby, and she can cradle it as much as she wants. pic.twitter.com/CkypWA31nn
— Style Files (@ZendayaStyleFil) December 11, 2018