The 99 countries where South Africans can travel without a visa [map]
99 Countries, but Djib ain’t one: Now Djibouti’s changed their travel laws, the power of SA passports are weaker. Here’s where we can travel without a visa.

Sometimes, doing the paperwork ahead of a holiday is enough to put you off. So the Henley Passport Index is a fantastic resource for those of us who want to avoid admin at all costs. The 2019 list has recently been updated, and it shows that 99 countries are still available to South Africans who want to travel without a visa.
It all comes down to the “power of your passport”. South Africa is currently ranked at 54th – down three places from last year – after Djibouti changed their visa rules. Visitors from Mzansi must now fill out an e-visa before travelling. Many of the 99 countries featured below only ask travellers to complete a visa once they’ve reached their destination.
World’s most powerful passports
Japan and Singapore have an identical visa record, where you can visit more than 90% of all recognised nations on earth if you are a passport holder from either country. South Korea has lost its top spot but still holds off Finland and Germany due to having fewer “visa on arrival” destinations. The UK and US have dropped to sixth:
- 1 = Japan and Singapore – 189 visa-free destinations
- 3: South Korea – 187 visa-free destinations
- 4: Finland – 187 visa-free destinations
- 5: Germany – 187 visa-free destinations
- 6 = United Kingdom and United States of America – 183 visa-free destinations
Visa free travel for South Africans mapped
Your options are far from limited, but we also wouldn’t use the term “comprehensive”. Just under half of all destinations in the world will let South Africans in with no visa.
South America is a very willing continent, with just all but two countries allowing for visa-free travel. Take note, Europe: We want more than three of your countries to choose from!

All countries where South Africans can travel without a visa:
(* indicates where countries will issue a visa on arrival)
Angola, Madagascar*, St. Helena*, Benin*, Malawi, Swaziland, Botswana, Mauritania*, Tanzania, Cape Verde Islands*, Mauritius, Togo*, Comores Islands*, Mozambique, Tunisia, Ethiopia*, Namibia, Uganda*, Gabon*, Reunion, Zambia*, Ghana*, Rwanda*, Zimbabwe, Guinea-Bissau*, Senegal, Kenya, Seychelles*, Lesotho and Somalia*.
Cambodia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka*, Hong Kong, Maldives*, Tajikistan*, Indonesia, Nepal*, Thailand, Kyrgyzstan, Philippines, Timor-Leste, Laos, Singapore, Macao, and South Korea.
Ireland, Kosovo, and Russia.
Oceania / Australia
Cook Islands, Micronesia, Samoa*, Fiji, Niue, Tuvalu*, Marshall Islands*, Palau Islands*, and Vanuatu.
Antigua and Barbuda, Dominican Republic, St. Lucia, Bahamas, Grenada St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, Haiti Trinidad and Tobago, British Virgin Islands, Jamaica Turks and Caicos, Cayman Islands. Montserrat, Dominica, and St. Kitts and Nevis
Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Belize, El Salvador Panama, Bolivia*, Falkland Islands, Paraguay, Brazil, Guatemala, Peru, Chile, Guyana, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Honduras and Venezuela.
Middle East / Others
Armenia, Israel, Qatar, Georgia, Jordan*, Iran*, and Palestinian Territory.