UJ will use AI technology to provide youth with mental health services
Research showed that several barriers, such as a diminished civil society support, a lack of global consensus on mental illness and its treatment, missed policy opportunities and limited evidence on the delivery of mental health interventions were blocking improving mental health.

The University of Johannesburg said it would on Friday introduce a web-based child and youth mental health profiling system using rapid real time 4IR technologies, to be rolled out in all Gauteng province schools.
Youth depression, anxiety, stress, suicidal tendencies
The project, led by the university’s Professor Jace Pillay, will be conducted in conjunction with the Gauteng premier’s office. He explained:
“Aligned to the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) this system has the capability to test from both the online and offline environments enabling researchers and all stakeholders or data consumers to commission and/or receive research evidence or draw data at a click of a button, for example on child and youth depression, anxiety, stress, suicidal tendencies, etc.
Professor Jace Pillay
About 10-20 percent of children and youth worldwide experience mental disorders, but it is often difficult to determine the causes.
A comparative analysis of mental health problems
UJ said research showed that several barriers, such as a diminished civil society support, a lack of global consensus on mental illness and its treatment, missed policy opportunities and limited evidence on the delivery of mental health interventions were blocking improving mental health.
“This will enable us to make a comparative analysis of mental health problems across education districts, specific locations, and across provinces lending support for what type of interventions are needed in specific places. Additionally, risk and resilience factors that contribute to the mental health of children and youth will be investigated.”
Professor Jace Pillay
Neuropsychiatric conditions were often the leading cause of disability in young people in all regions, and if untreated severely affected children’s development, their educational attainments and their potential to live fulfilling and productive lives, it said.
“The need for such a research project is clearly evident”
The new system, aligned to the 4th industrial revolution (4IR) has the capability to test from both the online and offline environments, enabling researchers and data consumers to commission or receive research evidence or draw data at the click of a button.
“The need for such a research project is clearly evident in the escalating school, gender and community based violence prevalent in our country – much of which are linked to mental health challenges.”
Professor Jace Pillay
He said the use of technologies played a major role in the delivery of mental health services and supports to children and youth in providing prevention, assessment, diagnosis, counseling and treatment programs.
African News Agency (ANA), Editing by Stella Mapenzauswa
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