Matric results: Release time, re-mark information, and how to find your grades
We’ve got all the details you need to find your matric results on Monday – and, if things didn’t turn out how you’d hoped, there’s no need to stress…

It’s crunch time for our matriculants. Monday marks the release of the 2020 matric results, following a school year like no other. The task has been difficult, but many of our youngsters persevered, earning themselves a set of priceless qualifications. Information about resit dates – and how students can find their final grades – have also been made public.
Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, will announce the results of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations in Pretoria on Monday. Exams concluded on 15 December 2020, after a strenuous academic year. The release of matric results has been approved by Umalusi, the Quality Council in General and Further Education & Training.
What time will the matric results for 2020 be released?
We’ve had it confirmed that matric results for the previous academic year will be made public at 16:00 on Monday 22 February (today). A technical briefing starts at 14:00. Learners will then be able to collect their paperwork from their respective schools the day after, on Tuesday. All results will be made available online, and will feature in tomorrow’s newspapers:
“The Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, will release the 2020 matric results on Monday 22 February. Students from the 2020 matric academic year will be able to get their results the following day on Tuesday 23 February via SMS, USSD, newspapers or at their examination centres. Students will also be able to access their matric results 2020 online.”
How do I find my matric results?
There is a very easy six-step process you can follow, to ensure that you receive your matric results as they are released on time. Make sure you have your personal details and examination number ready. TODAY is the last day you can register:
- Step 1: Visit the Department of Basic Education website.
- Step 2: Register using your details. (Please note you can only register for matric results until 22 February – the day before the marks are released).
- Step 3: Click on the link for the 2020 NSC exam results.
- Step 4: Enter your examination number.
- Step 5: Your results will appear on the screen.
- Step 6: You can then click the download button and print them off.
What will it cost to have my papers remarked?
- – The fees for ‘re-marking’ is R120 per subject
- – It goes up to R290 for ‘re-checking’ a subject.
- – Meanwhile, a request to view a marked paper will cost you R234. This may only be done after a re-mark or re-check.
- – Result queries should be submitted for investigation within 30 days after the release of results.
- – Closing date for appeals over manual and online applications is 10 March 2021.
- – After that, the closing date for applications is seven days after the release of re-mark or re-check results.
Matric results: How do I secure a resit?
A new examination is available during May/June where candidates can improve their results via a resit, or complete outstanding results. The closing date for application is Wednesday 31 March 2021. Registration can be done at either the school or district office in the province. All instructions appear on the reverse side of the Statement of Results.
We are ready for the #MatricResults2020 announcement by @DBE_SA Minister Angie Motshekga at 16:00 pic.twitter.com/BZnunXT0YQ
— Hubert Mathanzima Mweli (@HubertMweli) February 22, 2021