Need housing? Apply here for government subsidised houses
Housing is a basic human right. Did you know that you can apply for your home through the Department of Human Settlements?

Housing is a basic human right.
All South Africans have the right to somewhere they call home. Since 1994, government subsidised property is available through the Department of Human Settlements.
The RDP programme gives applicants a chance to own property, where they are responsible for paying utilities instead of rent.
Need a home?
Government can help you find one.
Here’s how you can apply.
Need housing? Apply for government subsidised houses
The Department of Human Settlements (DHS) provides assistance to first-time owners.
It’s a human right – and must be provided to qualifying citizens. Social grants aren’t the only means of government aid!
The DHS can help you to find your home.
Housing through the Department of Human Settlements
The Department of Human Settlements is in charge of RDP houses..
Houses are part of government assistance programs, including SASSA social grants. If you cannot afford a home, government can help you find one – and must allocate homes to clients who qualify for one.
All South Africans have a right to housing. Use your right, and apply.
Criteria for applications
Applications have criteria.
Successful applicants must be older than 21, and they can be married (or single) with dependants. Applicants must be South African citizens.
Groups, like the elderly or disabled, are given preference.
Apply for an RPD house
Apply for government housing through the Department of Human Settlements.
Have essential documents ready, and make an appointment with your nearest branch or office. An application tells you if you qualify.
How soon will you get your house?
Unfortunately, it can have a long waiting process.
The RDP Program
RDP are given to low-income families or persons, who meet qualifying criteria. Apply for yours through government: it’s your right.
Contact the Department of Human Settlements (DHS) for more.