Conquering Miss World: Shudu makes Beauty with a Purpose Top 10
Shudu Musida is fulfilling her goal of being recognised in the Miss World Beauty with a Purpose category…

Shudu Musida is proving that pageants are not just about beauty, but the total package – including bringing awareness to what you consider your “purpose” in life.
The former Miss SA is currently participating in the Miss World prelims ahead of the finale on Thursday, 16 December.
And already, Shudu has set out to achieve what planned to do – securing a spot in the Top 10 Beauty with a Purpose category.
According to Miss World, the Beauty with a Purpose category awards the contestant with the most relevant and important charity project in her nation.
The winner of the prize automatically makes the quarter finals in the competition’s finale show.
Shudu’s Beauty with a Purpose charity focuses on mental health awareness, something she has been passionate about throughout and even after her year of reign.
And her end goal at the Miss World charity was always about sharing her “purpose” with others.
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The “Mindful Mondays” founder said in a promotional video: “I have put everything into my Miss World preparations. My Miss South Africa journey enabled me to share my story and now I want to connect and inspire people all over the world. That is such an important platform to me because the essence of who I am is wanting to lead a life of service.
“Miss World’s cornerstone is Beauty With A Purpose which is what I stand for. So I am excited to take what I focused on throughout my reign to an international audience. My goal has always been to advance mental health awareness globally.
ALSO READ: Shudu wows at Miss World in gown inspired by Miss SA crown [photos]
Meanwhile Shudu needs your help in competing in another category; the Miss World multimedia award.
To help her win the award you can either Like her Miss World – South Africa Facebook page or follow her on the MobStar app.
You can give her additional votes by liking all her pics too.