‘She’s horrible’: ‘The Queen’ fans react to Sis’Pat’s management skills
‘The Queen’ viewers are unhappy with Sis’Pat’s management skills at Corner House and feel that Schumacher would make a better manager.

Viewers of The Queen are unimpressed with Sis’Pat’s behaviour since she received shares at Corner House and started mistreating Schumacher and other employees at the restaurant.
#TheQueenMzansi also believes Schumacher should be the one running the restaurant as he has more experience.
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Audiences of the Mzansi Magic telenovela – The Queen have taken to Twitter to express their disappointment with the show’s comedic character – Sis’Pat after she fired Schumacher and the rest of the staff at Corner House restaurant.
Sis’Pat (Thembsie Matu) who usually leaves viewers in stitches hasn’t been a favourite character this month.
Viewers have also lambasted the storyline and are calling on Vuyiswa (Zandile Msutwana) to end the feud between Schumacher and her best friend.
She was a helper at the Mabuzas and Sebatas house before acquiring shares at the restaurant and only got the opportunity because Vuyiswa gave her shares.
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Viewers were left in stitches when Schumacher asked her basic questions that a manager should know before running a restaurant.
They also realise that he wants what’s best for the restaurant as he also suggested that she should get proper training before managing it
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“Sis Pat can be too much and it’s so annoying.”
“Sis’Pat is horrible if we’re being honest.”
“Erm why’s Sis Pat so entitled?”
“Sis Pat will ruin Corner House.”
“SisPat is like that pre-school friend who’ll say give me your money or else.”
“So all you have to do to take your friend’s business is whine, act like a jerk, take digs at how they don’t have anyone, and insult them?”
“Seeing Vuyiswa grovel like that made me sick.”
“Sis Pat treats people in her life like dirt and gets rewarded for it. I’m done.”
“Schumacher and Sis Pat are my new fav combo been laughing the entire time.”
“Sis Pat needs to be fired. She’s disrespectful.”
“uSis Pat. Boss this boss that ai. She can’t manage, finish and klaar.”