Grub’s up: Some of the most unusual cuisine from around the world
Here are some weird and wonderful foods from around the world that only the bravest gourmands might want to try…

Next time you are snacking on a handful of peanuts at your local bar or tucking into a plate of cheesy nachos, cast a thought to what other people in other countries might be taking a bite of at the same time. While we might think worms need to stay underground, others may believe they are better skewered on a stick and deep-fried as food.
Strange foods from around the world
Eight-legged snacks – Fried spiders, Cambodia
If the thought of a big, hairy spider wants to send you running, imagine biting into one and eating it. In Phnom Penh in Cambodia, tarantula spiders are deep-fried and served with a lime and black pepper dip.
The snack originates from the 1970s when nearly-starved locals began eating spiders in the spider-infested city of Skuon in Cambodia, and the practice has continued ever since. It is no wonder that the city is known as Spider Town or Spiderville.
The spiders, which are usually tarantulas, are breaded and deep-fried in hot oil, then served with some fresh local herbs on a bed of rice or noodles.
Rotten Eggs – Century eggs, China
While the name of this delicacy is slightly misleading, having people think the eggs have been stored for 100 years, the eggs have been preserved for a few months – just enough to turn their yolks dark green and the white brown.
Century eggs are left to soak in a combination of strong black tea, lime, salt, and freshly burned wood ashes for seven weeks to five months and are a common snack throughout China.
Big, Fat Worms – Witchetty grub, Australia
The size of small sausages, these large white moth larvae were traditionally foraged by Aborigines and have become a popular snack today.
Known as “witjuri” by the Adnyamathanha people from South Australia’s central desert, the witchetty grub is one of the most famous snacks from the nation’s bush tucker menu.
Aboriginal communities have been eating the larval stage of the large cossid wood moth as a key source of protein for many generations, and the 12cm fat, white, wood-boring grub has now become synonymous with the taste of the outback.
Fried Balls, Anyone? – Rocky Mountain Oysters, United States
Exotic and rather delicious sounding, this American dish is made up of deep-fried bull testicles and is a favourite cowboy snack.
Rocky Mountain oysters, mountain oysters, meatballs, or prairie oysters in Canada, make up a dish made of bull testicles that are skinned, coated in flour, pepper, and salt, sometimes pounded flat, and deep-fried. This delicacy is most often served as an appetizer.
Live Octopus – Sannakji, Korea
There is nothing like eating your food while it is still alive.
Sannakji is a traditional Korean dish of baby octopus cut into small pieces and served while the tentacles are still squirming. Salty, sticky, and chewy, sannakji is served instantly after chopping, hence the wriggling, and traditionally served drizzled with sesame oil and crunchy sides of cucumbers, carrots, and pickled turnips.
Sannakji is served as a meal or late-night snack in Korea but is not popular among animal rights activists who argue that the still-moving octopus parts must be alive, making for a slow, painful death.
Wash it All Down with Some Snake – Snake Wine, South-East Asia
What better way to complement your meal than with a glass of snake wine?
Popular in countries such as China and Vietnam, the wine is made by steeping a snake in rice wine, or by mixing snake bodily fluids with the alcohol, and is thought to have significant restorative properties. According to traditional Chinese medicine, snakes have impressive restorative and invigorating powers.
It is believed they can increase virility, reverse hair loss, and combat back pain and arthritis.
And, undoubtedly, the most bizarre of them all…
“Virgin Boy Eggs” – Tong Zi Dan, China
Perhaps one of the most unusual things foods is the Chinese delicacy tong zi dan, or “virgin boy eggs”. Every spring in the city of Dongyang, eggs are boiled in the urine of young schoolboys.
Straddling a strange line between local tradition and modern medicine, the urine-soaked hard-boiled eggs have been standard street fare in Dongyang in Zhejiang Province for hundreds of years.
After being brought to a boil in steaming urine, the eggs are removed, taheir shells are cracked and they are placed back into the boiling urine to soak up the flavour. According to residents of Dongyang, the powerful smell of the boiling and soaking process is “both rejuvenating and completely disgusting.”