Fake flakes: The great Jozi snow hoax…and when it really did [photos]
While snowfall predictions for Gauteng have been dismissed, residents are still talking about the last time it snowed in Gauteng in 2012. Take a look…

After a snow hoax was doing the rounds on social media claiming that it is going to snow in Johannesburg and Pretoria, the SA Weather Service (SAWS) moved quickly to confirm that it will be cold and only snow in some parts of South Africa.
Snowfall in Gauteng
While many are relieved, some looked forward to the chance of playing in the blankets of snow like they did nine years ago.
The SAWS has since advised South Africans to ignore the TikTok video that’s “warning” residents of a major snowfall in South Africa, and rather reported that an intense cold front is expected to affect the Western and Northern Cape from tomorrow, Thursday 26 August, spreading to the Eastern Cape, KZN and the central interior from Friday evening into Saturday (26 to 28 August 2021).
This occurrence led many residents of Gauteng to think about snowfall and the last time it snowed in Johannesburg – which doesn’t happen very often.
Snow is a rare occurrence in Gauteng, with snowfall having been experienced in May 1956, August 1962, June 1964, September 1981 and in June 2007, reports The Mail & Guardian. September 1981 has the greatest snowfall on record, with statistics showing snowfall accumulating up to 10 centimetres across the province.
The ibtimes reports that SAWS records show that it has snowed in Johannesburg on only 22 days out of 103 years.
Throwback: Snow in Joburg in 2012
In 2012, residents of Gauteng were treated to the last snowfall in the region and took to social media to share their photos. At the time, the SAWS confirmed snow had fallen across Vereeniging, Pretoria and Johannesburg.
A YouTuber, by the name Cliff Sean made a compilation of the snowfall in Johannesburg’s Inner City on 7 August 2012.
At the time, the SAWS could not measure how much snow had fallen in the province, as they don’t usually measure snow in South Africa.
On 7 August 2012, Johannesburg recorded temperatures of just below two degrees Celsius. In the city centre, thin layers of snow were draped over sidewalks and cars.

Very unusual weather reports
While it is a rare occurrence to see snow in Gauteng, residents in Kimberley in the Northern Cape could not believe it when it snowed in the region in July 2021. At the time SAWS forecaster Lulama Theme said the snow has been brought on by a very strong weather system which is pushing cold air from the South Atlantic. This has caused freezing levels to reach land, turning falling rain into snow.
“The weather systems must be very strong to cause snow like this to happen inland. It’s not very usual for it to happen in areas without mountains,” Theme said.