‘Proof’ Pearl Thusi ‘lied’ about Zimbabwe trip – and who paid for it
A Zimbabwean journalist revealed who allegedly paid for Pearl Thusi’s ‘propaganda tour’ to the country just recently

Just days after Pearl Thusi was dragged for a controversial trip she took Zimbabwe, the media personality has been outed for possibly not being honest about it.
Thusi, along with actors Sonia Mbele and Sello Maake kaNcube, embarked on a trip to South Africa’s neighbouring country. Questions around the excursion and its aim arose when pictures were circulated, showing some of them alongside Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa and wearing Zanu-PF scarves, which is the country’s ruling political party.
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The story piqued the interest of Zimbabwean journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, who is a fierce critic of Mnangagwa and his government. After some digging, Chin’ono managed to get his hands on the full itinerary for the trip Pearl Thusi took. If the star did in fact have information about the trip, she most probably knew about it and thus lied.
“A South African celebrity who was on the ZANUPF propaganda tour. [Pearl Thusi] has been proved to have lied about not knowing that her group would meet ZANUPF politicians and go to State House. A media invite letter send to them all shows that they knew that they would meet Mnangagwa and ZANUPF officials,” he wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.
Thusi is being called a liar because she had initially said she had no idea she would be invited to a state dinner, saying in part: “… they told us there was a gala dinner, a state visit. I am not going to apologise for anything; what I will say is I did not know that I was going to be at the state house and in a politically charged situation.”
According to the leaked itinerary, the stars were joined by controversial businessman Zunaid Moti, who also paid for the trip. Moti is close friends with Emmerson Mnangagwa.

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