Oscar Parole: Mixed reviews on Twitter streets regarding parole
Oscar has a very complex history with the media especially social media where many views will be shared after his parole hearing.

Oscar’s history with the media
There was a time when Oscar Pistorius was the most hated man in the world after shooting his girlfriend model Reeva Steenkamp on Valentines Day in 2013. There were many opinions shared about him especially on social media.
The world was shocked by the news because on the surface they appeared to be the perfect, glamorous couple. The world had no idea of the abuse that lurked beyond the surface.
ALSO READ: Oscar Parole: Factors that will be considered before a decision is made
The trial was a media sensation not only because it was televised but because it was hard to pass newsstands, go on social media or turn on the television without the trial being mentioned. So it does not come as a surprise that now that the parole hearing of Oscar Pistorius is upon us the public’s hunger for knowledge has returned regarding this dark love story.
The impact of public opinion
The court of public opinion is considered as being the most important especially when you are an individual whose life operates in the public’s eye. In the case of Oscar Pistorius this is no different as when he eventually serves his time if he does not get parole, the public’s opinion of him will determine his next move.

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So the responses on social media have been surprisingly mixed. In comparison to the negative comments that were directed at him during the court case, it is surprising that there are some tweeps who find that he should be granted parole.
There are those who still believe that considering the way that Reeva was murdered he should not be granted parole. The decision is ultimately up to the Correctional Supervision and Parole Board.
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Here is what the tweeps had to say news broadcaster The ENCA published a tweet concerning Oscar’s parole hearing where they wanted to get viewer’s opinion regarding Oscar’s parole.
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