Mushroom and cheese tart: A breakfast you can have for dinner
A tasty quiche isn’t just for breakfast. Enjoy our mushroom and cheese tart any time of the day with the people you enjoy spending time with.

Breakfast time is the best time to enjoy all of the food you love. If you’ve been to brunch, you’ve probably had a frittata or quiche, both great breakfast pies. Our mushroom and cheese tart combines those classic quiche ingredients into a light pie with a fluffy savoury filling. Our recipe is perfect for those who love breakfast and enjoy giving their family a flavour party over the weekend.
Mushroom and cheese tart tips
This recipe serves two people, but you can easily adjust every part of the recipe to make the tart even bigger. The whipped egg whites help keep the filling nice and airy, so don’t mix too much. You can make your own creamed mushrooms if you don’t want to use the canned version. Get creative and add feta cheese, salmon and spinach for those classic flavours. Or, just add some bacon to this base recipe. Serve with a green salad.
A tasty quiche isn’t just for breakfast. Enjoy our mushroom and cheese tart any time of the day with the people you enjoy spending time with.
Do you want to make more family egg-based breakfast and dinner recipes to enjoy over the weekend with your friends and family? Have a look at our excellent recipe suggestions for you to try. There are many more old-school recipes like this one. They are published in the Potchefstroom Boys High School Tried and Tested Recipes of Parents and Friends.
If you would like to submit a recipe for publication, please complete our recipe form here.