Die Antwoord to star in District 9 director’s next film
South African cult rappers Die Antwoord will be starring in Neill Blomkamp’s new sci-fi comedy

District 9 director Neill Blomkamp is set to take the music industry by storm with new bold sci fi comedy starring rave rap duo Die Antwoord.
Die Antwoord member Ninja confirmed they would be playing themselves in Chappie, after fellow band member Yo-landi had included the words “Neill Blomkamp’s making a movie about me” in their song ‘Baby’s on Fire’ last year.
It isn’t the first time an indie master has sought a collaboration with the zef rappers. If backstage gossip is anything to go by, in 2010 David Fincher had envisioned Yo-Landi Vi$$er as Lisbeth Salander- the superhacker investigator in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It was never clear if Fincher had initially thought of the bleached-blonde, mullet-sporting rapper as his leading lady or simply wanted a “Vi$$er feel”.
The feature film will be shot in Johannesburg between September and December this year, with a $50 million budget.
The bold casting decision has been welcomed by both the music and film industries as fans await the release of Elysium — Blomkamp’s upcoming feature film.
Elysium, written and directed by Blomkamp, stars Matt Damon, Jodie Foster and District 9‘s breakout South African star Sharlto Copley and was shot with a reported budget of $100m in various locations around Mexico and Canada.
Talking about Elysium, which is due to be released this August, film critic Brendon Connelly said, “All signs are good, and the footage I’ve seen is an exciting advance on District 9 — a bolder idea, brilliantly and richly executed”.
Blomkamp’s first feature film District 9 ,a sci fi thriller criticising the forced removals that took place in Cape Town’s District Six, was nominated for four Academy Awards and received great praise for exposing social injustice whilst being “technically superb”.