OcSober: How to make it through the month without a sip of alcohol
There is so much more to the OcSober challenge than quitting alcohol for a month.

Believe it or not, but there are fewer things harder than making it through an entire OcSober without so much as a sip of liquor.
What is OcSober?
In October, the world gathers in celebration of 30 days without consuming alcohol. As lame — and seemingly senseless — as this may be, it does have its benefits.
Benefits of abstaining from drinking alcohol
Most of us are social drinkers, and we do not rely on alcohol to make us feel any better about ourselves than we already do. That’s why OcSober is a recreational and fun activity for most, more than anything.
Those suffering from alcohol addiction should rather seek professional help and take a more serious approach to break the habit of excessive drinking.
Here are six (of many) benefits of not drinking alcohol:
- You feel much better: Alcohol numbs the brain. When drinking stops, communication between the neurons and neurotransmitters normalises
- You look younger: Alcohol is diuretic, it dehydrates the skin and reduces its elasticity. After stopping, collagen levels are slowly restored and redness disappears
- You save money: Imagine how much money you’d have if you redirected your alcohol spend to your savings account
- You gain social stability: You only have to be the sober friend at the party to realise that being drunk is in no way related to a higher peer-nominated status
- You lose weight: Alcohol contains almost double the caloric content than most proteins and carbs have, coming second only to fat
- You have a healthy heart: Drinking alcohol can be very bad for the heart and the pulmonary system
OcSober: What are the rules?
The OcSober challenge may be seen as a fun way of engaging with friends but it also carries an important message about alcohol abuse.
It is also incentivised with a really cool way of involving large groups in the act of giving back. So, here are the rules to OcSober:
- You cannot consume alcohol for a total of 30 days
- All the money you would have spent on alcohol has to be saved
- You have the choice of donating those savings towards a charity organisation of your choice
Three very straightforward rules, so it can’t be that difficult, can it?
How to stay sober for 30 days
For some, OcSober is a breeze. However, if your social life is always buzzing with live music and friends who do not know how to have fun without alcohol, then this challenge will be a little harder than anticipated.
We’ve got your back, though. This is our guide to staying sober for 30 days:
- Only take part in OcSober if you are absolutely certain that it is something you are willing to be involved in
- It has to be for a greater cause. So, decide on a charity organisation you want to donate to and get started
- Avoid friends who are not taking part in OcSober
- If you are not capable of resisting alcohol at events, rather find other fun ways to enjoy outings (i.e. movie and ice cream dates)
- Join the OcSober community on social media get involved in the conversation. It will make you feel part of a larger group of people with common interests