SASSA Grant-in-Aid for 2024 explained
What exactly is SASSA Grant-in-Aid, how much does it pay and how does it differ to other South African Social Security Agency benefits?

SASSA Grant-in-Aid is a stipend provided to those already receiving government grants, but not just anyone is eligible. To secure SASSA Grant-in-Aid, only people receiving Disability, Older Persons and War Veterans Grants can apply.
TRENDING: LATEST on SASSA grant payment options for 2024
In this way it makes it different to the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant which nearly anyone can apply for if required. SASSA Grant-in-Aid is provided additionally to the neediest grant recipients, says SASSA Grant Status Check.

The government stipend is aimed at existing grant holders who require full-time care at home and who need the extra resources to hire someone to provide full-time care services. SASSA Grant-in-Aid currently pays out R510 per month. And while this was not increased in October 2023 with all the other grants, it is understood it should increase again on Monday 1 April 2024, most likely by R10.
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To receive SASSA Grant-in-Aid you must already be a primary grant recipient as mentioned above. You must be unable to care for yourself due to mental or physical disability and require full-time care at home. This will be proven with a medical assessment from a private or government doctor stating you need full-time care. The report cannot be older than three months. You don’t qualify if you’re already receiving care in a state care facility.

Click HERE for a full list of regional branches you can visit to secure grant-in-aid. And confirm all SASSA 2024 payment dates by clicking HERE.
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