SIX mindset shifts to MANIFEST success in 2024
Times are tough in South Africa, but if you work on adopting these six positive mindsets, you will manifest success in 2024.

As the year comes to a close, have you started casting an eye forward to success in 2024? What does it look like for you, and how are you going to go about achieving it? I’m no self-help guru, but I’ve been reading Robin Sharma for many years now and wanted to share some thoughts to manifest success in 2024.
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Life in South Africa is tough, the economy is teetering on the edge of recession, joblessness is rife, and it’s clear from interactions with our audience that people are yearning for help. If you wish to manifest success in 2024, however, winning the lottery or receiving a government grant isn’t going to cut it. True success comes from within, from the mindset you adopt and the actions you take.

When it feels like the world’s got you lost in a maze you can’t get out of … here are six mindset adjustments that will do the trick:
Ralph Charell famously said, “Nobody succeeds beyond their expectations.” What that means is if your only goal is to sit at home and play on your smartphone, guess what, that’s all that will happen. What do you really want to do in 2024? Figure it out and start to manifest it with real action.
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Stop worrying. I know this one is hard in South Africa. No matter what walk of life you’re from in Mzansi, there’s always something to worry about. But worrying about things beyond your control is a recipe for illness and it will keep you from manifesting true success in 2024.
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Hard times make people stronger. We know all about this one in Mzansi. We graduate top of the class from the university of hard knocks. Whatever difficulty you’re going through, try and adopt the mindset that it doesn’t define you but rather makes you stronger. Siya Kolisi and the Springboks are a great example of this one. All the ‘dark places’ they’ve been over the years prepared them for World Cup glory.
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Mother Teresa famously said, “If everyone swept their own doorstep, the whole world would be clean.” This works on two levels to bring you success in 2024. Firstly, it means, keep your affairs in good order. Secondly, it reminds you not to worry about every little thing that’s out of your control. Like the airlines say, “Put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting others.”
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Endeavor to leave everyone you meet better off than how you found them. That means genuinely being there for people. You’ve heard, “it’s not what you know but who you know?” People want to be around others who make their lives better and add value. Are you merely taking and taking in this world? If so, 2024 is the time to give back. Similarly, if you have someone in your life who is only taking, taking, taking. It’s time to cut them loose.
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The average life expectancy only has 960 months in it. That’s not a lot at all. Subtract your youth and old age and it’s more like 500 months in which to build your life. So, what are you waiting for, someone to hand it to you on a silver platter? To manifest success in 2024 you must act now.
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I first came across these techniques in Robin Sharma’s The Leader Who Had No Title: A modern fable of success in business and life. Purchase your own copy HERE or visit his website for MORE.
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Do you feel like you’re on the cusp of success in 2024? What mental approach are you going to adopt? Be sure to share your thoughts with our audience in the comments section below. And don’t forget to follow us @TheSANews on X and The South African on Facebook for the latest updates.