The Magicians: Fall under the spell and escape to the mystic land of Fillory
‘The Magicians’ is returning for its 5th and final season. Binge it this weekend and stream it on Showmax.

The fantasy series’ conclusion is available to stream in its entirety with critics raving about The Magicians’ fifth season about a group of friends from Brakebills University.
The Magicians final season on Showmax
Despite the complaints from fans, the creators of The Magicians have ignored cries to extend the show’s storyline.
The show promised to bring our heroes story to a satisfying conclusion and if the response from critics is anything to go by they have done just that.

The show has been well received from day one. Each season was nominated for Best Fantasy TV Series by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, and The Magicians has a 91% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
The final season currently has a 100% critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which is unheard with fantasy adaptations that often struggle to live up to expectations when penning their final chapter.
In my opinion – I was hooked since the first episode aired back in 2015 – the writers of the show have stuck to their guns and put together a fantastic final journey with The Magicians.
Note there are spoilers ahead so stop reading and go get caught up now if you haven’t finished season 4 yet.

Last season’s ending was a sign of things to come. This season will see Julia (Stella Maeve), Alice (Olivia Taylor Dudley), Eliot (Hale Appleman), Margo (Summer Bishil), Penny (Arjun Gupta) and their friends coming to terms with Quentin Coldwater’s (Jason Ralph) death.
The controversial decision to kill off what was arguably the lead character was a brave move that split a lot of fan opinion. Coldwater’s death is major departure from Lev Grossman’s novels which the show is based on. As Collider put it:
“The hero of this story, the character who so deeply drew me into the world of The Magicians and made me fall in love with this brash, bold fantasy series (first in the books, then onscreen), was gone. I don’t mean to be dramatic, but it’s hard to imagine watching one of your favourite TV shows without its leading character.”
Watch: The Magicians Trailer
The gamble was a big one, but the critics seem to agree that Coldwater’s sacrifice was not in vain. Season 5’s strength is a testament to the bravery and vision of the creative team behind the show. Vox had this to say about the final season: “
The show’s writers find compelling ways to make Quentin’s death meaningful, and it results in some fascinating and ultimately forward-thinking character developments. Moreover (and maybe most importantly), The Magicians is still tons of fun. There are weird creatures, off-colour jokes, and plenty of fantastical twists and turns. And that’s The Magicians Season 5’s greatest triumph. That it feels at once like it’s moving on from the loss of its central character, but also still feels like the same show I came to love.”
This is of course 2020, and no major cultural event can pass without some percentage of the fanbase putting together a petition. So it will come as no surprise that fans of the show took to the internet to try and save The Magicians.
The Brakebill University students, however, took to social media to share their heartfelt farewells to the show, cast and crew.
Summer Bishil
Olivia Dudley Thomas
Arjun Gupta
Saying goodbye to your favourite show might seem like a punch to the gut in a rollercoaster 2020 that has turned the world on its head. However, there’s something to be said for the bittersweet feeling of turning the final page a well-told story.
In a world full of anxiety and uncertainty The Magicians will give us all a chance to leave this virus behind us for a few hours and enjoy a story which must end, but a little certainty isn’t the worst thing right now.