V&A Waterfront finds brilliant new way to save water
If we’re all doing our bit at home to save water, the big businesses have to get involved too.

The V&A Waterfront is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the country, with several hotels and scores of restaurants contained within its precinct, all racking up quite the water bill. With the current drought hammering the Western Cape, the Waterfront is looking to make a big change.
Colin Devenish, V&A Waterfront Executive Manager of Operations, says reducing water usage is something they have been doing for the last five years. He points out how they used to consume roughly 3.5 kilolitres per square metre. Now, that number is only 2.6 kilolitres, Devernish knows there is still a long way to go though.
“Air conditioning is by far the biggest consumer and in that case, we look at how we reduce our consumption. We’ve used sea water to do our air conditioning now.”
No longer building cooling towers on tall roofs means that sea water can be used instead. This change alone saves the waterfront roughly 9000 kiloliters of water per month. Drip irrigation systems and a change of plants are other methods that are helping reduce usage. Indigenous plants usually require a lot less water. While the Waterfront have the sea on their doorstep, we still hope you at home are making your own adjustments. The way climate change is going next year may well be even drier.