Five best countries for South Africans that allow dual citizenship
South Africa’s passport power has improved, according to Hanley and Partners. These are the five best countries for South Africans to obtain dual citizenship.

South Africa has recently been placed two spots higher in a list of countries with the best passport power. Sitting at 50th, South Africans now have 102 countries they can travel to, visa-free.
We have compiled a list of five countries that we believe are the best destinations for South Africans who are looking for a second home without forfeiting their citizenship.
How to move to Australia
Boasting climate conditions that are the most similar to ours and the encapsulating pounce of the punchy Wallabee, Australia remains the favourite second home for many South Africans.
To move to Australia one needs to be at least 16-years-old. That just means that you need to be old enough to be eligible for an ID document.
Of course, people aged 15-years-old and below will need to be guided by their parents or guardians.
If you’ve found employment in Australia then the cost of moving will be lifted off your shoulders as it is quite expensive.
However, all it takes is for one to live in Australia for four years to be eligible for applying for citizenship. Better yet, you would not have to forfeit your South African passport
Read – How to move to Australia and gain citizenship in nine simple steps
How life is like in South Korea
Obtaining citizenship in South Korea was not possible before 2010.
The Ministry of Justice announced that it had amended the Nationality Act, allowing for the first time in the country’s history, permanent dual citizenship of those who satisfy the eligibility requirements under the Act.
To be able to apply for citizenship, you must have lived in South Korea for five years, have a general knowledge of the Korean culture, and you must be able to speak basic Korean.
South Korea is a very safe country, a great difference from the current security status of South Africa.
The cost of living is quite high though, and the bulk of your savings would probably be swallowed by the major cities’ inflated property costs.
However, it is a great country to call a second home and also an amazing challenge to learn about the intriguing Korean culture.
The best education is found in Finland
Finland is also a great destination for people who are looking to build a family and experience one of the countries with the best quality of life.
To gain citizenship in Finland, you would need to have lived in the country for at least five years, and have knowledge of at least a Finnish, Swedish or Finnish sign language.
Finland also ranks very high in the list of countries with the best education systems. We can surely say that this country is every child’s heaven. Kids are only eligible to register for school from the age of 7-years.
They probably will not take any tests or have homework until they are well into their teen years, and the only mandatory test they are required will only be a concern when they are 16-years-old.
Is United Kingdom culture the same as South Africa’s?
In order to obtain dual citizenship in the UK, there is a certain criterion that must be met. Like most of the countries listed here, it takes a minimum of five years’ of residency to be eligible to apply for citizenship.
The great thing about moving from South Africa to the UK is that the cultural difference can hardly be recognised.
The time difference alone is an hour or two apart, depending on the season. You won’t be pressured to learn a foreign language and they pretty much have everything South Africa does, just in mega form.
Read – How much does it cost to live in London in 2018?
The complexity of dual citizenship in the United States… but it’s so worth it
The case of the United States is a strange one. The country does not formally recognise dual citizenship, neither does it stand against it legally or politically. South African can still obtain U.S. citizenship through naturalisation.
Hailed as the Land of Opportunity, the U.S. is certainly one of the best choices to make if you’re looking to emigrate.
The cost may be ridiculously expensive if you don’t have a sponsor or know anyone who lives there that can help you with the administrative nightmare involved.
However, that is all worth it in the end because many countries, including South Africa, have adopted the U.S. culture.