1000% increase in irregular expenditure at Bathabile Dlamini’s Sassa
That’s right folks; the South African Social Security Agency, charged with taking care of the poor and vulnerable, has increased its expenditure from R93 million to R1 billion in just one year.

R1 billion up from R93 million in just a year, that’s one hell of a leap in irregular expenditure, especially seeing as the minister responsible for Sassa not long ago said that ordinary South Africans can live off R753 per month.
EWN reports that MPs took the agency to the cleaners for the 1000% increase in wasteful spending in 2015/16, but Sassa’s former CFO Clifford Appel tried deflecting the barrage as best he could.
Appel said it basically came down to faults with tender advertising, but MPs weren’t convinced; as one of the major expenses went towards renewing the contracts of no less than seven security companies to the value of R414 million in just one year.