11 Things only people who use South African taxis will understand
Taxis form an essential part of the daily commute for millions of South Africans. With taking taxis come unique struggles only those who use them will understand.

South African taxis get a bad rap, but 14 million commenters make use of them on a daily basis. For people who aren’t used to them, they can be intimidating, but anyone who has ever taken one will tell you: it’s not that bad.
But that doesn’t mean it’s smooth sailing all round. It also doesn’t mean that they obey the rules: they don’t. Still, South African taxis form an essential part of the commute and there are things only those who use them will understand.
When they ask you to sit laptop you always side eye the gaartjie
… it’s the make-shift seat that’s put between two other seats and it’s by far the worst seat if you’ve got a driver reckons he’s part of an F1 team.
When the drivers spot a cop and they ask passengers to get down…
Seriously, this has happened to people before – if the taxis overloaded, the driver will chance it to see if his passengers are willing to duck and save his ass.
When you sit shot gun and you put on your seatbelt…
The driver might side eye you and ask if you don’t trust him.
When you only have a R100 note to pay a R7.50 fare…
Very awkward, much hustling. Especially when you’re catching the early morning taxi.
When you are in the front seat, you must abide by the driver’s laws…
When you get into an empty taxi and you have to wait and wait and wait…
Because the gaarjie is sure that he can fit in just “one more”. And don’t even dare try to rush the driver because “he’s on time, you’re late”.
“Gee ‘n bietjie liefde”…
Because a seat that was designed for two people is actually for four in a taxi.
When there is no gaartjie and you sit in front…
You become the gaartjie.
When it’s one minute before “night time” fare kicks in and you get in…
And the taxi tries to charge you night time fare. Arguments for days.
When you close the door too hard…
Even if the door is on its last legs, there is a technique and certain kind of subtleness to closing a taxi door. The driver will ask you why you slammed it or “if this is how you close your fridge”.
11. When you ask the other passengers (in English): “Which taxi goes to Sandton?
When you ask the other passengers (in English): “Which taxi goes to Sandton?” #ResponseInTheTaxi pic.twitter.com/1xlQrswasx
— Lesego (@_Dame_) November 12, 2015