Matric rage 2021: Education leader warns South Africa’s learners
It’s about time for the 2021 matric rage events. But a major warning has popped up after 2020’s party edition resulted in a COVID-19 mess.

The upcoming 2021 matric rage events fall under the dark shadow that was the 2020 version where COVID-19 infections wreaked havoc on pupils.
The Western Cape Department of Education MEC Debbie Schäfer has pleaded with learners across the land to be vigilant as the big party nears.
Large scores of learners made trips from different corners of Mzansi to rock the 2020 edition in KwaZulu Natal but came back as COVID-19 virus carriers.
“Last year, a large cluster of cases developed as a result of matrics attending rage festival events in KwaZulu-Natal,” Schäfer said in an official statement.
“Many of those who tested positive had travelled to the coast from Gauteng, and so returned home taking Covid-19 with them.
In what can be seen as rather inconsiderate, the event organisers of the matric rage, many of whom are no longer school pupils, think nothing of placing the events right in the middle of examinations.
“Unfortunately, many of these events take place during the matric exams, rather than after them,” Schäfer said.
Learners should note the strong warning that catching COVID-19 is likely to see one missing their exam sitting before getting another opportunity midway into 2022.
“We must do everything we can to avoid contributing to an increase in the number of cases. It has been a tough two years for our Class of 2021, and I understand that learners want to enjoy the end of the matric year with their friends.
“But they are also entering adulthood and must accept the responsibility to keep themselves, their families, and their friends safe.
“There will be plenty of time for celebrating later once you have completed your exams. All the best for the remaining exams,” the MEC concluded.
ALSO READ: COVID-19 – Many school learners fall a year behind because of pandemic