AfriForum joins fight to save Afrikaans Language Monument and Museum
This week AfriForum took a formal stand against the name change of the Afrikaans Language Monument and Museum.

Over the weekend civil rights organisation AfriForum attended the public consultation session of the council of the Afrikaans Language Monument and Museum in Paarl. This prompted the lobbyists to send a written submission to the council in support of not having the name changed.
Following the meeting on Saturday, 28 May in Paarl, AfriForum listened to the chairman of the council, Advocate Jean Meiring, and made their submission on Tuesday. It was sent to both Meiring and director Michael Jonas.
AfriForum says, on behalf of their over 300 000 members, they strongly objected the name change of the institution.
“The current name is accurate and we find no element of either polarisation or exclusivity in it, nor in the current actions of the management of the institution,”
read AfriForum’s letter.
AfriForum says a language with the unique history of Afrikaans from the outset of having mother-language speakers of all races deserves to be celebrated.
“The long-term ideal would be that all indigenous languages would be equally highly developed, used and appreciated. However, trying to achieve this by diluting recognition of one language, denying the symbolism of one community’s memorialisation and eradicating the specific focus of a heritage beacon is an act of division and disrespect,”
wrote the organisation.
AfriForum says they invited Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture Nathi Mthethwa to discuss the name change.
“On 18 May, AfriForum requested a meeting with Mthethwa on the matter. Receipt of the letter was acknowledged, but no further feedback has been received yet,”
says the civil rights organisation.
AfriForum believes the current ministerial interference in the institution creates the impression that Mthethwa wants to invalidate Afrikaans and the role of the community in the development of the country.
“This is in stark contrast to the preamble of the Constitution. As a solution to the unnecessary controversy, we propose that representatives of the Afrikaans-speaking community come together and compile an alternative management model,”
says AfriForum.
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