Wine farmers to approach Gauteng High Court over alcohol sales ban
The Southern Africa Agri Initiative is calling for the ban on the sale and consumption of wine in restaurants to be set aside.

Family farming organisation, Southern Africa Agri Initiative (Saai), will approach the Northern Gauteng High Court in Pretoria on 18 August 2020 to have the ban on the sale and consumption of wine in restaurants set aside. Saai’s application is supported by 13 other applicants from the wine industry.
The application comes after President Cyril Ramaphosa announced a ban on the sale and transportation of liquor on 12 July 2020 for a second time.
CEO of Saai Francois Rossouw said government’s regulations set out to limit the spread of COVID-19 does not make sense. Rossouw said government pretends to want to save the economy but applies double standards when it comes to the application.
“Taxis pose a major threat in spreading the virus, yet they are allowed to function at 100% capacity. Restaurants may be open, but are banned from serving wine in a regulated, hygienic environment where physical distancing is applied,” said Rossouw.
Saai argues that the regulations are threatening the existence of some of the oldest family farms in South Africa and are shackling a sector that competes with the best in the world and that plays a key role in the economy.
“The government already offers no drought relief or financial assistance to these farmers – by closing their market, government ensures their end,” said Roussouw.
Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Saai Dr Theo De Jager said there’s more to wine farming than making a profit. De Jager said it’s about inheritance and the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation, the integrity of the brand and supporting a family and community.
“A wine farm is neither a vineyard with a cellar nest to it. It is a destination where visitors and tourists may experience something tangible of the environment and area. Such a farm, therefore, plays a fundamental role in the marketing of a region or province and its history. It depends not only on the support in terms of its product but also as a tourist attraction,” said De Jager.
Saai will request the Court to repeal Schedule 44(1) and (2) of the new regulations and to allow the serving of wine on wine farms and in restaurants.