The children of Ayob Mungalee want the HAWKS to investigate his murder
The Mungalee family wants the HAWKS to investigate their father’s murder.

The children of the slain anti-gang activist Ayob Mungalee have asked the Eldorado Park police to hand their father’s murder docket over to the Hawks to investigate.
Ayob Mungalee’s children say they have no faith in the Eldorado Park police to ensure their fathers’ murderers are caught and prosecuted.
“It cannot be that my father died in vain. He died because he stood for his community and for what is right,” Shuaib Mungalee said.

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Ayob Mungalee was shot dead on Sunday night near his home in Eldorado Park Extension two. Shuaib Mungalee says he heard the single gunshot that killed his father, but he did not react at the time since shooting is rife in the area.
Seconds later, his 17-year-old sister Zahrah Mungalee called. Zahrah, with the bad news and ran to his father’s aid.
“I ran to my dad, and when I got there, he had no pulse. It was too late. I then remembered my dad saying never to disturb a crime scene and never move the body or load it into a car,” says Mungalee.
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Ayob Mungalee was laid to rest following the Muslim religion on Monday, 13 February 2023.
“My father was an activist for fought for everyone. He helped mothers and babies; he was instrumental in helping to keep foreigners safe during the xenophobia attacks. He was working on restoring the dignity of the people of Kliptown who lives in terrible conditions. He was one of the first people to go out and protect business during the KwaZulu-Natal looting that spread countrywide.”
Shuaib Mungalee
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Shuaib says if his father’s murderer is not caught and prosecuted, it will mean he died in vain.
“My father gave his life to his people, and it is only right that the one who took it is brought to book. His life was testimony during his funeral when there were people from all nationalities. from different countries who came to represent their countries because my fathers worked stretchers from here to Namibia, to Ethiopia and beyond,” he said.
Ayob Mungalaee’s children say they strongly feel the Hawks will adequately investigate and arrest the murderers.
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“Zahrah is in matric this year, and she will need all our support. The last thing she needs to worry about is that our father’s killer is still out there,” says Shuaib.