KZN mob justice: Thief tied-up, beaten, and whipped by 30 gatvol citizens!
When you’ve got THIRTY members of the same community leading a mob justice attack against you, it’s perhaps time to re-evaluate your choices.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. A thief in the Parkgate area of KZN encountered a slice of mob justice like no other, after approximately 30 people joined in to give this crook a brutal beating.

Mob justice attack leaves suspect ‘hurt badly’
On Sunday morning, the 20-year-old suspect attempted to steal a woman’s handbag and escape the scene. However, after getting caught in the act, a number of locals gave chase. They eventually dragged him to the ground and recovered the stolen goods.
A ‘gun’ belonging to the thief, meanwhile, was identified as a toy replica. Disarmed and humiliated, the criminal then found himself at the mercy of a community that has reached its collective wit’s end. The mob justice attack pulled in TENS of willing participants.
According to Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA), the crowd was complaining that they were fed up with escalating crime in the area – and bayed for the suspect’s blood. It was only when officers reached the scene that the suspect was rescued, and spared an even worse fate.
‘Whips and metal bars’ used to beat thief in Parkgate, KZN
Acts of mob justice have been discouraged by RUSA. Although its not uncommon for groups to take their frustrations out on an identified community menaces, it’s very rare that this many people get involved in the subsequent violence.
- According to the security group’s report, the suspect was bound by rope and beaten by metal pipes. He even had to endure a whipping.
“RUSA was called out to the scene on Sunday, after receiving reports of a man being assaulted in a mob justice attack. On arrival, it was established that the injured male had earlier robbed a female for her handbag. The suspect was also accused of having a firearm.”
“He fled the scene, but was apprehended by onlookers. The bag and the firearm – which was confirmed to be a toy – was recovered in his possession. A crowd of 30 people bound the suspect’s hands and legs, then beat him with weapons, including metals pipes and whips.”
RUSA on KZN mob justice attack