SASSA allowing MORE people to collect R350 grant – who qualifies now?
The Department of Social Development, alongside SASSA, now want to change the criteria needed for a R350 grant applicant.

For those who have recently missed out on securing a R350 grant, some good news is on the horizon. SASSA and the department of Social Development are looking to make a number of changes to their regulations – allowing more people to qualify for SRD payments.
SASSA table changes to R350 grant – allowing more people to claim
In one of three proposed amendments, SASSA is looking to increase the threshold at which someone is allowed to collect the R350 grant. They want it almost doubled to R624, and anyone who receives LESS than this into their bank account each month WILL meet the required criteria.
- The department is proposing to increase the maximum allowable income from R350 to the food poverty line of R624.
- In another amendment, SASSA will remove the requirement for applicants to indicate if they require the grant after every three months.
- SASSA is also aiming to remove the clause that places the bank verification process as the main criteria for determining eligibility.
- As outlined by the department, the grant total of R350 will remain the same:
“The Department is proposing to increase the maximum allowable income from R350 to the food poverty line of R624, meaning that SASSA will decline any applicant who receives more than R624 into their bank account for each relevant month.”
“The value of the grant itself remains R350 per person per month for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. Out of 11.4 million applicants for the month of June, only 5.2 million beneficiaries were approved. This represents less than 50% of the applications.”
Department of Social Development
Social Development Ministry ‘looking to clear backlogs’
Every assessment will now be conducted monthly, and should the income received into the account in a particular month fall below the R624, such an applicant will then qualify for the grant.
During the month of July, the Social Development Ministry said it will be finalising the outstanding payments for those who were approved for June, and complete the approvals and payments for the April applications.