No, the City of Cape Town haven’t pocketed R1bn from raised water tariffs
The money they were alleged to have squeezed from the public doesn’t really exist.

Officials for the City of Cape Town have dismantled claims that they have profited handsomely from the regional water crisis.
Reports from local media on Tuesday suggested that the municipality had deliberately underspent their drought-fighting budget, and framed the COCT’s behaviour as nothing more than a thinly-veiled cash grab.
The city came out all guns blazing on Wednesday, however. A statement issued earlier in the day dismissed these articles as “false”, and explains that publications who ran the story missed out some of the critical facts.
City of Cape Town water tariffs
For a start, the city have been operating on two separate budgets: Their original one for the water and sanitation department, and an additional package that was granted midway through 2017 as the dam levels began to deteriorate.
The second one (labelled the New Water Programme) was approved in order for the city to prepare for eventualities such as day zero.
It was also in place to fund water distribution points and carry out repairs to the reticulation system if the taps ran dry. This has been funded through external loans, meaning the money they haven’t spent never really existed.
How much has been budgeted for the Cape drought?
They have only spent around 30% of the New Water Programme allocation, and have poured a total of R1.72bn into Water and Sanitation. What Tuesday’s reports neglected to mention is that this is a record spend for the department.
How are water tariffs calculated?
It’s also worth noting that the Mother City doesn’t make a direct profit from raising the water tariffs. Restriction levels are linked to dam levels, and restriction tariffs are linked to the volume of water used by the city.
This means that if the restriction level is reduced, individual use is expected to increase as the tariff decreases, ensuring the City receives the same total income.
What Capetonians are paying for their water bills relates to what the city have budgeted based on consumption rates. Mayco Water Official Xanthea Limberg clarified that tariffs are directly related to how much water citizens are using:
“Level 6 restrictions require that the City reduce consumption to 450 million litres per day, we have only been below 500 million litres per day a couple of times since January 2018. The consumption volume was matched with the tariff to sell water of 6kl/household per month.”
“While Cape Town has been amazing in reducing consumption, households have generally still used considerably more than 6kl/month and thus revenue at the tariff will be higher than that budgeted.”
City of Cape Town hits back at the media
According to local government data, the city has actually shown restraint by not using the New Water Programme more than is necessary.
A barrage of rain and a plethora of water-saving projects deemed most of the additional funds surplus to requirements. Given that all the money from this particular budget will have to be paid back, it makes sound fiscal sense to spend as little of it as possible.