Correction, Bob, African countries CAN grow crops and we DO know what Christmas is…
So, apparently Africans haven’t a clue what Christmas is, can’t grow anything, don’t have water and have never seen snow. This is just some of the ridiculousness from the latest LiveAid concert.

Have you been to Africa, Bob Geldof? When you sing of our woes and struggles, do you understand that there are daily successes and that, despite what you might think… sh*t’s actually not all that bad?
Just as top of our heads checklist for next time, we’d like to clarify the following.
We do have water in Africa
As a matter of fact, the largest river in the world flows in Africa… heard of the Nile? Also, there are a bunch of other enormous rivers as well as some of the world’s largest lakes. Also, in case you haven’t checked yet, a large portion of the continent is smack bang on the equator… kinda rainforesty and tropical.
We do grow stuff, loads of stuff
Africa is host to countries with some of the most fertile soil on earth — maybe due to all the blood that’s been spilled here — and we actually grow enough of certain foods that you can buy them in Sainsbury’s and M&S.
We’re all as excited for Christmas as you are
More than half a billion Christians live in Africa, so… ja, we celebrate Christmas. In fact, most major centres throughout Africa — except Nigeria, they’ve got a bit of a Boko Haram issue — have already started decorating. You should come have a look.
Thanks a bunch for your little song, we’re sure it will raise a tonne of awareness about the woes of Africa; but in future, perhaps you’d like to double check your facts when you’re describing an entire continent. We’re doing fine, stop patronising us.