COVID-19: More than 27 000 health workers test positive
More than 400 healthcare workers in the country have succumbed to COVID-19

The Minister of Health Zweli Mkhize has said that 27 360 healthcare workers have contracted the coronavirus. Of those infected, the public sector accounts for the majority with 78% of the cases, while 22% is attributed to private facilities.
The overall infection rate amongst healthcare workers, in comparison to the number of cases identified across the country is 5%, which the minister said was below the global average of 10%.
Mkhize further said that 1 644 (6%) of those infected were doctors while 14 453 (52%) were nurses. The remainder is attributed to other categories of healthcare staff.
Unions including Nehawu will likely be unimpressed with the latest stats, as they have long accused government of neglecting frontline healthcare workers fighting the disease – citing a lack of adequate personal protective equipment (PPE), among other issues.
Over 400 healthcare workers have died
As of Thursday, 13 August 2020, 443 workers in the healthcare sector have succumbed to the respiratory disease. Mkhize said 240 of the deaths were in the private sector while 203 took place within the public sector.
The minister has expressed his condolences to the families of the deceased.
“We salute these fallen soldiers and pay tribute to them for their commitment to serving the people of South Africa right until the very end. We extend our condolences to all the family, friends and colleagues of these valuable members of society”, Mkhize said.
The latest figures indicate that the mortality rate amongst healthcare workers is 0.9%. The number of workers within the sector reported to have recovered from the virus is 16 005, as of 4 August 2020, which translates to a recovery rate of 58%.
Gauteng – which is the epicentre of the virus, has reported the highest number of healthcare workers testing positive with more than 8 000, followed by the Eastern Cape with 5 614 infections. Meanwhile in the Western Cape, 4 867 health workers have contracted COVID-19.
“In addition, we have been provided with a snapshot of active cases amongst healthcare workers of (of) 7 August 2020. On this day we registered 7 500 active cases of which 751 (10%) were being hospitalised, 6 557 (87%) were in self-isolation and 192 (3%) were being isolated in a facility”
“We wish all healthcare workers currently battling COVID-19 a speedy recovery and look forward to welcoming them back to the workforce when they are fully recovered”, Mkhize concluded.