Crime Stats: Action Society blames cadre deployment for murder increase
Action Society believe the grim crime statistics revelation that the murder rate increased is because of cadre deployment in the police.

Police minister Bheki Cele shared the crime statistics for the fourth quarter of 2021 to 2022 on Friday, 3 June. The murder rate increased by more than 20% with child murders exceeding 30%. This prompted civil rights organisation Action Society to place the blame firmly at the feet of the police.
Cele said the first three months of 2022 were violent, brutal and unsafe for many South Africans.
“The festive season was safer, but not the same can be said about the first three months of the year 2022,”
says Cele.
Ian Cameron, director of community safety at Action Society, says the country has endured a disgraceful bloodbath.
“While South Africa is commemorating child protection week, the new crime statistics show that child murders are up by 37% in the last quarter. It is a disgrace that children are not safe in our country, and all because of political interference in law-enforcement,”
he said.
Action Society and Cameron believe the bloodshed and nightmarish statistics are due to cadre deployment rotting and deteriorating the South African Police Service.
“Most violent crime has increased with reported rape cases up by a shocking 13.7% and murder up by 22.2% and the conviction rate seems to be on the decrease. South Africa will soon be one of the kidnapping hotspots in the world, and once again, women and children are left to fend for themselves as political leadership has destroyed the integrity of the South African Police Service,”
says Ian Cameron, director of community safety at Action Society.
Although the crime statistics have painted a grim image of the country, Action Society believe there are rectifications that could be easily implemented by the police.
- Do a skills audit in the SAPS to determine the merit of appointments and if there is no merit, that member must be sacked.
- Polygraph all members, starting with leadership to determine whether they have been involved in any corrupt activities, if so, sack them.
- Restore crime intelligence capabilities.
- Reinstate specialised units that can deal with serious violent crime effectively without having to live in the community they work in.
- Crime kingpins, including those part of the state, need to be targeted and taken out of operation.
- Restore reservist capabilities, especially to support specialised units. It is of utmost importance that these reservists do not come from the said communities in order for intimidation to be limited.
- Pay police members properly.
- Implement police devolution in the Western Cape as a proof of concept.
ALSO READ: ‘Another ANC puppet’: Action Society unhappy with Masemola’s appointment