Dirty old men: Infamous presidential sex scandals
Don’t worry, Cyril, a little affair scandal hasn’t stopped anyone from making it to the highest office….

Cyril Ramaphosa’s presidential ambitions seem to have been rocked by revelations of a string of alleged extramarital affairs. Well, one for sure, the others, according to Ramaphosa, all cooked up by using state resources to obtain and then doctor e-mails, nogal.
If the current POZA is anything to go by though, a sex scandal is nothing but a minor snag that should not derail one’s route to the country’s highest office, no matter how massive.
But it’s not only here in South Africa where sexual misconduct can make a martyr out of a leader.
Here’s a list of some of the most high profile political sex scandals.
Donald Trump
Are you even surprised?
A law suit brought in 2016 against the then presidential hopeful by a woman known only as Jane Doe was dismissed by a lawyer of the Trump Organization as “a sham brought by someone who desires to impact the presidential election”
The woman alleged that Trump raped her when she was 13 years old, back in 1994. The alleged victim was represented by Lisa Bloom, who also represented three other women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct.
Coverage around this case was limited during his presidential campaign and, along with his infamous “grab her by the pussy” quip, it did little to dent his chances at taking up residency at the White House.
Jacob Zuma
The South African president spent as much time in the courtroom as he did on the campaign trail. Jacob Zuma was acquitted of rape in 2006 after political activist Fezekile Khuzwayo alleged that he had raped her. Following threats and abuse from his supporters, she was forced into exile where she died in October last year.
Four years later, a year into his first term as President, it emerged that he had fathered a child with Sonono Khoza, daughter of Orlando Pirates boss, Dr Irvin Khoza.
You would think an extramarital affair would be the furthest thing from the mind of a man with four wives.
Recently, former ANC MP, Vytjie Mentor accused Zuma of sexual harassment, claiming that he has been making sexual advances towards her, dating back 25 years ago.
Bill Clinton
Early in his presidency, Clinton survived a lawsuit brought by former Arkansas state employee, Paula James. James claimed that the former President of the US had sexually harassed her during his time as Governor of Arkansas.
However, in 1998 he was entangled in the biggest sex scandal of the 20th century when it emerged that he was involved in a sexual relationship with White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.
He initially denied those allegations with the infamous, “I did not have any sexual relations with that woman” but would later admit that his relationship with Ms Lewinsky was inappropriate.
Silvio Berlusconi
Dirty, rich, old sleazeball.
That description fits every single one of the men so far mentioned in this list and the former Italian Prime Minister is a true definition of it. Scandal and corruption was the theme of his tenure in Italy’s highest office.
Berlusconi was known for hosting wild sex parties, termed “bunga bunga” parties, one of which culminated in him being convicted in 2013 of paying a 17-year-old girl for sex. It was overturned a year later.