#EFFTurns5: Julius Malema accuses ANC of treating citizens “like pigs”
Juju is livid with his former party.

Julius Malema has torn strips off of the ANC during an EFF rally in East London, lambasting the party for poor service delivery and arrogance.
During the gathering at Ward 11 in Mdantsane, Malema visited elderly and disabled members of the community. The commander-in-chief was informed houses in the area were falling apart and that local residents’ pleas for help have been largely ignored.
#EFFTurns5: Malema in East London
In fact, Juju even promised one woman that he would personally ensure she gets a home that accommodates her needs:
CIC @Julius_S_Malema committed to building her a home that will accommodate her. #EFFTurns5 pic.twitter.com/ODw9VGW0RR
— Economic Freedom Fighters (@EFFSouthAfrica) July 22, 2018
It was a great PR opportunity for the red berets, who seemed intent on dragging the ruling party as much as they could. Conditions in the rural setting are sub-standard, and Malema feels this is the case for impoverished suburbs across South Africa:
“What we voted for 24 years ago is not what we are getting. Our people continue to live in abject poverty. A party that we trusted treats us like pigs. They only respect white people. When you go to town, you will never find a house with no electricity or a house without water.”
Julius Malema goes in hard on the ANC
The EFF leader also rallied against the police force, implying they were lackeys for the ANC’s agenda. Malema threw some very personal shade at the party, slating them for the disorder and chaos plaguing structures in KwaZulu-Natal.
“I was at Unit P yesterday and I met with an old disabled woman with a wound of a rubber bullet. Shot by the police for protesting about the lack of service delivery.”
“That is the ANC for you; they shut you up when you tell them the truth. But what do we expect, they kill each other in KZN.”