National shutdown: R34 and N2 in Richards Bay blockaded by trucks
The R34 between Empangeni and Richards Bay is closed due to a national shutdown, reportedly. Trucks have blockaded the road.

Motorists have been urged to use alternative routes as trucks have blockaded the R34 Road between Empangeni and Richards Bay in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) as they are embarking on a national shutdown, reportedly.
Videos circulated online show trucks blocking the road in both directions in the early morning. Police are reportedly on scene as well.
Motorists driving between Empangeni and Richards Bay have been urged to use the R102/N2/North Central Arterial route in order to avoid the protest action.
According to 1KZNTV News, the Richards Bay national shutdown is calling for fuel price to decrease to at least R17/l.
Those spearheading the protest have called for no burning of tyres, no looting and no damage to infrastructure.
A National Shutdown was threatened last month. However most of the plans appeared to fizzle out. Calls have been made again for South Africans to take to the streets over steep petrol prices, rolling blackouts and the high cost of living.
On Wednesday, large parts of the N4 and a number of surrounding areas were blockaded by trucks. People could not travel to or from Nelspruit and other surrounding areas. This was also reportedly due to a national shutdown protest over steep fuel prices.
The following routes were all targeted by the gatvol protesters:
- Intersection at the Sasol garage well as N4 blocked for about 2km from Karino
- Taxis blocked the road near the Police Station on Bester Street
- One road is blocked on R40 at Bosch Street off-ramp
- A blockade was reported in Andrew Street
- Wolfaart Road was obstructed with rocks.
- Plaston Road at the three-way stop is blocked, as is the petrol depot at Platsak.
- N4 split on the bridge is obstructed
- Bosch Street at SAB breweries blocked, as was the R40 Robot between SARS and Crossings
- Trucks also obstructed the intersection at Union Motors.
ALSO READ: National shutdown in action? Chaos as N4 BLOCKADED by trucks