Eskom clears the air on OCGT use during load shedding-free period
Eskom clarifies its energy strategy, denying extensive use of Open-Cycle Gas Turbines in the UK to prevent load shedding.

In recent weeks, there has been speculation surrounding Eskom’s purported extensive use of Open-Cycle Gas Turbines (OCGTs) to prevent load shedding in the UK. Addressing these claims, Eskom has come forward to shed light on the situation and provide clarity on its energy strategy.
The uninterrupted suspension of load shedding for more than 40 consecutive days has sparked questions about Eskom’s reliance on OCGTs. However, Eskom emphasises that the cessation of load shedding is primarily attributed to the availability of sufficient generation capacity. Stemming from a more dependable generation fleet.
Unplanned outages drop by 4400MW since 26 April due to maintenance
Since 26 April, unplanned outages have decreased by 4400MW, owing to extensive maintenance efforts and the successful implementation of the Generation Operational Recovery Plan, initiated in March 2023.
This improvement is reflected in the Energy Availability Factor (EAF), which has consistently exceeded 60% since 29 April, speaking at 65% on 1 May, with a month-to-date figure of 63.34%.
Eskom’s approach for the winter period of 2024 entails strategic utilisation of its peaking stations, including OCGTs, which are dispatched during morning and evening peaks to meet high electricity demand when necessary. However, the usage of OCGTs is not indiscriminate; it is carefully monitored and deployed strategically.
Contrary to perceptions of overreliance, data reveals a decline in OCGT utilisation and spending. In April 2024, Eskom spent R1.1 billion on OCGTs. This generated 167.8GWh, representing a 60% reduction compared to April 2023.
The OCGT load factor for April 2024 decreased significantly to 6.8% from last year’s 19.13%, indicating more efficient resource allocation.
Eskom’s diesel spending declines
Furthermore, diesel spending on OCGTs has followed a downward trend. With R53.9 million expended in the first nine days of May 2024. Eskom’s budget for diesel in the current financial year (April to June 2024) stands at R5.8 billion, with R1.16 billion already spent as of 9 May, constituting 19.7% of the total budget.
The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) plays a pivotal role in determining Eskom’s diesel budget, based on assumptions for the years ahead. Eskom’s performance aligns closely with NERSA’s directives. This reflects a prudent approach to resource management.
“The current usage of Eskom’s OCGTs is no cause for alarm,” said Eskom.
According to Eskom, the current usage reflects a measured response to meet energy demands. While ensuring operational efficiency and fiscal responsibility.