More emigration woes: ‘Thousands of millionaires’ left SA in 2020
Eish, that’s a lot of taxable income leaving the country: The millionaires of South Africa are now forging ahead with their emigration plans.

Data released by Knight Frank has revealed that a plethora of millionaires based in South Africa left the country for pastures new over the past 12 months. The Wealth Report, which is published fully on Tuesday 2 March, highlights just how many high net-worth individuals (HNWIs) are going ahead with their emigration plans, despite the pandemic.
How many people are leaving South Africa ‘for good’?
Knight Frank has also crunched the numbers when it comes to elite financial players in SA. The group has calculated that South Africans need about $180 000, or R2.6 million, to be based in the ‘top 1% wealth bracket’ – a figure that is roughly on par with Vietnam. By comparison, you’d need about $7.9 million to enjoy the same status in Monaco…
This follows a disturbing trend in emigration picked up earlier in February. The Rand Merchant bank estimates that roughly 23 000 people are leaving South Africa each year, but anecdotal evidence from the multi-national claims the real figure is higher: At least 90 000 – 100 000 SA citizens have left the country on a permanent basis since 2016.
In numbers: Wealthy South Africans pursuing emigration ‘in large numbers’
Those who have the means to leave Mzansi are becoming increasingly tempted to find a new home, and with an increasing number of millionaires flying the nest, it’s likely to account for a significant shortfall in tax revenue. Around 14% of SA’s HNWIs left the country last year, and Knight Frank laid the facts bare earlier this week:
- – A total of 44 605 millionaires live in South Africa, as of 31 December 2020.
- – In 2019, this figure stood at 52 109.
- – That means SA has lost 7 504 millionaires to other countries within the last 12 months.
- – There’s also a slight decline in the number of multi-millionaires living in Mzansi, down by 3.4%
- – A multi-millionaire is defined as somebody worth over $30 million, or R436 million. There were 768 of these individuals living in South Africa in 2019, but that dwindled to 742 in 2020.