Fried not Poached – a fight against rhino poaching
Rhino poaching is an alarming problem in South Africa. Despite efforts by conservationists, the media and the general public, poaching continues to be a grave issue in our country. Two South Africans are teaming up to make a change and accept the ultimate challenge.

THE fight against rhino poaching continues in South Africa, as rhino poaching statistics leap to an all time high.
According to the latest figures from the South Africa Department of Environmental Affairs, over 790 rhinos have been lost to poaching so far this year. This is on average 2.6 rhinos per day and means over 100 rhinos have been killed within the month of October. This figure sadly eclipsing the total killings for the whole year of 2012, when 668 rhinos were illegally poached.
Two South Africans have decided to go on the ultimate adventure, the Dakhla Challenge, to raise awareness. In this quest Warren Loots and Nathan Rudnick will cover 4228km in three weeks, from Plymouth to Dakar in a beaten up car to raise funds to fight the illegal poaching of one of South Africa’s most beautiful creatures.
“We were born with the African dust on our feet and have a real love of all things wild. With our hearts rooted in Africa we are competing in the race because we are tired of reading about the senseless acts of brutality being committed against the noble rhino on South African soil,” Loots said.
“We are big believers in doing rather than just saying; the Banger Rally is our quest to do something positive and powerful about rhino poaching and to go about it in a meaningful way.”
As the organizers of the Dakar Challenge say; “The more inappropriate the car, the better.” Vehicles must be worth less than R4200 a piece, so they’re not kidding when they call it a banger rally. Loots and Rudnick will be competing against 200 other well-worn bangers.
They have decided to partake in this event to raise money to fight rhino poaching in South Africa. For this reason they have aptly called their team Fried not Poached, which is endorsed by RAGE (Rhino Action Group Effort). All the proceeds from this challenge will go directly to RAGE and the rhino conservation in South Africa.
The Dakar Challenge offers a variety of five routes all starting in the United Kingdom. The other routes stretch to Banjul, Tumbuktu, Nouakchott or Murmansk.
Started in 2006 this banger rally is a charity car race like no other where contestants will cross the English Channel, the Gibraltar Strait, the Atlas mountains and the Western Sahara while traversing five countries to get there. The original Banger Challenge, that has spawned so many others was in December 2002. The first group of hopefuls left the UK in a motley collection of vehicles on an adventure to Banjul. This first event was a great success and most of the 42 teams even made it all the way to the finish line.
The rally encourages teams to compete in the race for a charity of their choice. Supporters can pledge money per kilometer completed or invest in sponsorships in support of the charity.
Fried not Poached has decided that the first 100 pledges will get their company’s name or logo on the Fried not Poached vehicle when they partake next year.
The Dakhla Challenge will take place on the 10 April 2014. If you are passionate about rhino conservation and would like to get involved you can make your pledge on www.friednotpoached.co.za or follow them on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FriedNotPoached.
For further information about the Dakhla Challenge go to