Gigaba in discussions with EU to relax visa requirements for South Africans travelling to Europe
Home affairs minister Malusi Gigaba – the Instagram minister as Malema so lovingly christened him – is in talks with EU ambassador Dr. Marcus Cornaro to relax visa requirements for South Africans looking to travel to Europe.

Good news everyone, South Africans could soon be allowed entry into the European Union – for travel purposes mind you – with very lax visa restrictions. Well, if talks between Gigaba and Cornaro bear fruit that is.
Gigaba reportedly said the two of them had agreed on a timeframe for discussions to start and conclude, adding that the current negotiations focus on business people, but that he would negotiate for them to extend to a larger portion South Africans.
“We’ve identified a number of sub-sectors that are considered as low risk.”
“We’ve identified business people, we’ve identified academics, students, and other sub-sectors. We’ve agreed that we are going to look at the possibility of granting them visa exemptions.”
“We are asking the EU to consider giving exemptions for ordinary South Africans too – those who make frequent trips to EU countries, who spend money there, and who make a positive contribution,” he said.
“Obviously South Africa’s own interest in the long term is a full visa exemption for ordinary South African passport holders. In our view, there is a need for passport holders who travel at their own expense.”
“We are quite happy with the progress we made in the discussion – and the time frames we have set,” Gigaba said.
Dr. Cornaro noted that negotiations would have to take into consideration current regulations, but added that things are looking positive.
“I am personally optimistic that within a few weeks we will actually have that high level of senior officials dialogue on those points,” he said.