Good news for domestic workers in South Africa by the coming year
What is the good news? The bill would extend support to over a million largely women workers who had been unconstitutionally excluded.

The National Assembly has adopted the Compensation of Injury on Duty Amendment Bill (COIDA) and, once signed into law, will bring significant benefits for South African domestic workers.
Domestic workers will be covered by the Compensation of Injury in Duty Fund for any workplace injury or illness.
Trade federation Cosatu said this will effectively extend support to over a million largely women workers who had been unconstitutionally excluded.
Other benefits of the proposed legislation include:
- An expanded definition of workers’ dependents and beneficiaries to include their spouse(s), children, siblings, parents, and grandparents, thus reflecting South Africa’s cultural norms.
- Diseases and post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from the workplace will now be included, providing relief for millions of workers in the mining, security, and other sectors, and women.
- Introducing a no-fault rule to replace practices in the past that have been abused to deny relief to workers.
- Providing for stiff penalties for non-compliant employers.
“The National Council of Provinces should now commence its work to ensure that it can adopt the COIDA Bill by the end of 2021,” Cosatu said.
Cosatu said it is critical that it comes into effect at the beginning of 2022.
“Domestic workers have waited long enough for their rights to a safe working environment to be recognised and enshrined into law. It will provide relief and protection to millions of workers across all sectors of the economy.”
It furthermore said whilst welcoming the adoption of this progressive Bill by the National Assembly, the Federation is disappointed it took so many years and unnecessary delays by government to reach this stage.
ALSO READ: Domestic workers to benefit from the new regulations over the coming year
More good news for domestic workers is that they can look forward to higher minimum wage, more benefits, and further protection from harm in South Africa over the coming year.
The trade federation Cosatu earlier this year said that a number of new regulations are expected to benefit domestic workers in South Africa over the coming year.
These changes are:
- The higher minimum wage in 2022;
- Coming benefits from the Compensation of Injury on Duty Amendment Bill;
- Further protection from harm through three specific gender-based violence bills currently being processed.
According to Cosatu domestic workers have already benefited from the passing of the National Minimum Wage Act in 2019 and more should benefit in 2022 when domestic workers’ salaries are increased to 100% of the National Minimum Wage.