MPs concerned as Home Affairs reveals huge shortage of immigration officials
The Department of Home Affairs is back under the authority of the always controversial Malusi Gigaba. Will a return to his leadership bring more problems?

If Malusi Gigaba didn’t have enough self-induced problems to worry about, he now has even more waiting for him at Home Affairs. Ok, most of these might not be self-induced, but they still need to be solved.
A reply to a parliamentary question from DA Shadow Minister of Home Affairs, Haniff Hoosen, revealed that the department’s inspectorate is understaffed.
The Department of Home Affairs’ inspectorate is tasked with monitoring foreign nationals who enter or leave the country’s borders illegally.
For the entire country, the inspectorate is made up of just 731 employees. Hoosen has called it a “chronic shortage” and called on Gigaba to ensure the inspectorate is able to function optimally.
“The Minister admitted that in 2016 a total of 344,547 foreign nationals failed to leave South Africa before or on the date that their visas were set to expire. However, this figure does not include all those that entered the country illegally through our porous borders.”
Hoosen says that for those 731 officials to process all foreign nationals overstaying their welcome, they would have to process 471 individuals each.
“Due to incapacity and lack of political will by the ANC government, this makes their task near impossible to achieve,” Hoosen said.
The DA is now calling for a secure border as a first step in ensuring South Africa does not become a soft target for “human trafficking syndicates, drug syndicates and other organised crimes.”
Since returning to his role as Minister of Home Affairs Gigaba has made headlines over the citizenship of the Gupta brothers. After originally saying Atul Gupta was not a South African citizen, IEC voter’s roll and ID documents proved otherwise.
Watch: Gigaba called out a Home Affairs employee for being on her phone and he got dragged
Gigaba was slammed and labelled a “liar” by MPs and millions of South Africans.
With so much baggage hanging over his head, Gigaba would have to make miracles at Home Affairs to gain any sense of credibility back.