Paternity leave in SA: Law change comes with added maternity bonuses, too
It’s a victory for the dads, but the Labour Law Amendment bill didn’t just provide paternity leave: Mothers have also secured more rights.

South Africa is catching up to the rest of the world when it comes to paternity leave. The historic Labour Laws Amendment Bill has granted paid time off work to fathers, so they bond with their babies for the first time.
We’ve looked at all the key elements of the bill, including how maternity leave has changed and what the motivations were behind the legislation. Here’s all you need to know about a wholly-positive move for South African workers:
Paternity leave in South Africa – what you need to know:
How long will fathers get off work?
South Africa’s working dads will now get a total of ten days off work, with full pay. It’s the equivalent to a two-week break, based on the five-day working week model. It’s the first time that this structure has been put in place.
Who it applies to
All fathers – of either biological, adopted or fostered children – are covered by the bill. In fact, fathers of adopted children under the age of two could secure a 10 weeks of paid leave if they are going to be the primary caregiver.
Paternity leave: Why it has come into force now
Lemias Mashile is the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Labour. He spoke on behalf of the lawmakers who ratified the bill on Tuesday, explaining that changes in society and the need to improve
“The committee is confident that the bill responds adequately to the current and changing socio-economic conditions that are prevalent in the country. The committee remains of the view that the amendments are necessary to improve bonding between parents and the child and strengthen family relations.”
Lemias Mashile
“Gender neutrality”
Mashile also stressed that the boundaries which define traditional male and female roles are getting narrower. He encouraged a “gender-neutral” approach to parenting, where both the mother and father can be considered as “main caregivers”:
“Furthermore, the committee remains of the view that the amendments are broad and their gender neutrality will play a leading role in advancing equality. The committee encourages parents to take full advantage of the new law to the benefit of individuals and families.”
How it affects maternity leave
The bill amendment also caters for matters on the maternity leave agenda, and not just paternity leave. It advises that companies pay 66% of the salaries for moms on leave if their wages fall within the required threshold. In another victory for women, they can now take maternity leave to cope with the loss of a baby in the third trimester or even if they birth a stillborn.
Changes to UIF
The Unemployment Insurance Fund has now extended to 12 months of cover, rather than the previous figure of eight. The Labour Laws Amendment Bill is a real overall victory for hard-working South Africans.