I’ll resign tomorrow “with a clean heart” if the ANC asks, Zuma tells supporters
If the ANC asks.

Chatting to his fan-club at his 75th birthday on Wednesday Jacob Zuma said he’d happily resign, but only if the ANC asks him to. Now, we’re not sure if you’ve been following, but the ANC is the only reason he’s still president so the chances of that happening are slim at best.
Interesting that the president – for now – would so openly contradict himself after telling the world back in December 2016 that he’d never resign of his own volition… remember that Mr president?
Anyway, Zuma, clearly unphased by the mess he’s created over the last few years, said that if the party asked him to step aside he’d do it in a heartbeat.
“There is a few more months left before my task as president ends. In December, a new president will be elected. I don’t know who it will be, the ANC will elect. In 2019, I will take off my hat being the state president. I want to tell you that even if you said tomorrow I should step down from these positions, I would do so with a clean heart,” el presidente told the crowd at his birthday on Wednesday – while more than 100 000 South Africans marched as one, calling for him to resign –.
The president added that, should he step down, he will never stop being an ANC member and that he won’t draw a salary anymore… well, with all the connections he’s made he shouldn’t have to draw a salary, the royalties are bound to keep coming in for decades more.
“I won’t demand a salary because I will be a pensioner and I will work very hard,” Zuma said, adding that he’s not going to disappear off the radar and that he’ll stay active in party work.
We’re almost sure there’s no chance the president will fade out of the limelight, as there are still 783 charges of corruption, racketeering and fraud hanging over his head, that will have to be dealt with sooner or later.
Read: I’m not stressed, stress is for ‘white people’ Zuma tells guests at his birthday