Impeach Mugabe: This is how Zimbabwe will finally force Bob to leave
Mugabe’s on a hiding to nothing with his latest stalling tactics.

Oh Bob, why did you have to do this the hard way? The effectively powerless President has missed his noon deadline on Monday to resign from his post, as handed down by the Zanu PF party. It’s now certain they will act to impeach Mugabe.
The 93-year-old missed a golden opportunity to ensure a power transition last night. He arranged a press conference, but didn’t use to hand over the reigns. He rambled for 20 minutes, then wished us all goodnight.
So now, Zimbabwe’s political powers will push for an impeachment. This is how it will go down, when it’s initiated in the next 24 hours:
Impeach Mugabe – This is what will happen:
1. A vote will have to take place in Parliament as to whether Robert Mugabe should be impeached or not.
2. The National Assembly will have to decide whether the grounds for impeachment are based on:
- A violation of the constitution
- A failure to uphold or defend said constitution
- Incapacity
- Serious misconduct
3. The National Assembly and the Senate can begin the proceedings to remove Mugabe, if two-thirds of MPs vote against him. This looks highly likely, as the majority of Zanu PF have turned against the nonagenarian.
4. Once votes are passed, both chambers will be responsible for establishing a committee that decides how the President will be removed. This is all detailed in section 97 of the constitution.
5. It is believed that an interim, ‘unity party’ – lead by Emmerson Mnangagwa and supported by members of Zanu PF and the opposing MDC – will act as the government up to August 2018 – when the next round of elections are due for Zimbabwe. The dates may be subject to change as events unfold, though.
When will Robert Mugabe be impeached?
Zanu PF sources claim an impeachment can be carried out within 24 hours, once a vote has been conducted. If MDC member Innocent Ganese’s claims are true, the process to impeach Mugabe may not begin until Tuesday.
ENCA also stated on Sunday night that they expect an impeachment to be concluded by Thursday. As we’ve all learned in the last week, the expected should remain unexpected.
Zimbabwe’s War Veterans Chief, Christopher Mutsvangwa, labelled Mugabe as a man in ‘dire dereliction of his duty; This will likely see Bob be impeached on the grounds of incapacity. He’s also been accused of allowing his wife Grace ‘too much of a say’ in running the country – an offence that violates the constitution.