Who is Jonas Makwakwa and why has he resigned from SARS?
Jonas Makwakwa has just resigned from SARS. After months of allegations and corruption caught up to him, Makwakwa was about to be investigated by the revenue service.

The South African Revenue Service (Sars) announced on Wednesday afternoon that its publically disgraced official, Jonas Makwakwa, has resigned.
Makwakwa was the chief officer for business and individual tax. With 22 years of service to the revenue service, he had been with Sars almost since the dawn of democracy.
Jonas Makwakwa: Allegations upon allegations
Makwakwa has been accused of not making the necessary declarations and misleading Sars regarding appointing National Integrated Credit Solutions (NICS).
Makwakwa appointed NICS as one of the eight debt collectors that would seek to recover the billions of rand owed to the revenue service.
So where does the problem come in?
The problem came when it emerged that NICS was still appointed despite having links to payments to Makwakwa’s personal account.
The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) traced the money back to a payment from the Department of Water and Sanitation to NICS. That payment eventually ended up as part of around R1.2 million that was paid to Makwakwa over a six-year period.
Earlier this week Sars claimed that Makwakwa had not declared any relationship with NICS. Makwakwa also failed to declare that he had previously been a director at the company where the money ended up before it was paid into his personal account.
With Sars making the announcement on Wednesday afternoon, it is believed that Makwakwa resigned in a morning meeting just as he was about to be confronted.
“Mr Makwakwa has indicated that he is resigning for personal reasons. He regards this as being an opportune moment for him to exit SARS after being cleared of all the allegations of misconduct through a formal disciplinary hearing.” – SARS statement
During the media conference announcing the resignation, Sars Commissioner Tom Moyane called out the FIC for not providing the “much-needed assistance”.
A long time coming
Moyane also confirmed that a report and investigation in May 2017 recommended that disciplinary proceedings be instituted against Makwakwa. In particular, his failure to make the relevant declarations in line with Sars’ ethics policy.
That same report also called on the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) to investigate further claims of money laundering and corruption.
“As I understand the allegations, Makwakwa was conflicted as he failed to declare a potential conflict of interest, acted dishonestly, failed to act fairly and failed to recuse himself from the adjudication as the circumstances duly required, Moyane said.”
Moyane concluded his address by admitting that the revenue service had learned “valuable lessons” from the Makwakwa saga.
With Makwakwa now finally out, his tax records will be made available to Parliament.