Julius Malema urges EFF supporters to ‘ignore lockdown regulations’
After 15 months in lockdown, Julius Malema has urged his followers to disobey ‘nonsense restrictions’ until more vaccines are delivered.

EFF leader Julius Malema has delivered a seething reaction to the latest lockdown changes, branding them all as ‘nonsense’. The frustrated political firebrand rallied his supporters to exhibit ‘civil disobedience’ going forward, and he made it clear that no-one in his party should respect Cyril Ramaphosa’s pandemic authority.
Julius Malema suggests ‘non-compliance’ with lockdown
The furious address denounced the vaccine rollout in South Africa, and demanded that the government secures the Sputnik V jabs from Russia as quickly as possible – otherwise, more protests led by the Red Berets can be expected:
“Let us take it to the streets. No one is going to stop us. No lockdown nonsense regulations are going to stop us. FROM TODAY, we don’t listen to what Ramaphosa says about the Coronavirus – we don’t comply with nonsense he says about Coronavirus, until he gives us vaccine and vaccinates our people.”
- While in full flow, Julius Malema also told followers not to fear prison if their rule-breaking gets them arrested:
“The Russians have offered vaccines before – they refused them. We want our country back. Let us go and reclaim our country back from Ramaphosa. If it means death, so be it. If it means prison, we will wear it with honour – because prison for revolutionaries is an honour. Only cowards will be scared of prison.”
“Let us take the war to Cyril Ramaphosa. We gave him chance for far too long. We have tolerated his nonsense for a very long time. We will confront this government and protect our youth.” | Julius Malema
EFF to ramp-up campaigns against the government
The bellicose statements didn’t stop there, either. Malema arguably overstepped the line when he called for a personal picket at the home belonging to the CEO of SA’s Health Products Regulatory Authority. But Juju was in a combative mood, and described that any potential showdown with SAHPRA would be ‘personal’.
MALEMA: This Friday, we are at SAHPRA. We want vaccine. Failure to respond in 7 days, you must find the address of the home of the CEO of SAHPRA. It is personal like that. There will be a sleep-in at his house until vaccine is provided by this government. #EFFJune16inUitsig
— Economic Freedom Fighters (@EFFSouthAfrica) June 16, 2021