Just in: Son of Cecil the lion killed by trophy hunter
The son of Cecil the Lion has met the same fate as his father.

The six-year old son of Cecil the Lion has been shot dead by trophy hunters in Zimbabwe. The killing of Cecil caused global outrage in 2015.
Xanda is believed to have fathered a number of cubs himself and was killed outside the Hwange National Park, not far from where Cecil died.
According to reports, the hunt was organised by private hunter Richard Cooke. Who his clients were has not been revealed yet. Xanda was fitted with a tracking collar and was wearing this when he was killed.
“I fitted it last October. It was monitored almost daily and we were aware that Xanda and his pride was spending a lot of time out of the park in the last six months, but there is not much we can do about that,” scientist Andrew Loveridge told the Daily Telegraph.
But while Cecil’s death sparked outrage, Loverdige said that Cooke was one of the better guys on the hunting scene.
“Richard Cooke is one of the ‘good’ guys. He is ethical and he returned the collar and communicated what had happened. His hunt was legal and Xanda was over six years old so it is all within the stipulated regulations,” Loveridge said.
Loverdige also wants a 5km no-hunting zone put in place around the Hwange National Park, to help protect any lions who might slip out and roam.
The Facebook group Lions of Hwange National Park said on Thursday that Xanda had been shot a few days ago: “Xanda has several young cubs. We can’t believe that now, two years since Cecil was killed, that his oldest cub has met the same fate.”
Trophy hunting is big business and the number of lions killed has trippled in the last decade. The lion population has seen declined massively in the last few years and there has been frequent outrage about the efforts to protect them.